Monday, March 11, 2019

Celebration of Food Festival

Students of Grace International School, Nepalgunj has organized food festival on 27 Falgun 2075. Students of different classes have participated and cooked different delicious food items. Small students can make delicious food items whatever we can't buy from any restaurants or hotels. Tiny hands can made beautiful and marvelous food items if we encourage them. 
Grace International School aims the holistic development of students. Students should be able on different sectors. There are several profession in our society. People are involved on such different occupations. As the same way, today's  small children are the pillars of future's society. They have to cope with the society in near future. We aim to make our children able on different field. 
This festival will continue for upcoming years as well. Grace International School, Nepalgunj is going to manage the system of food festival. Students learn the importance of team work, sincerity and value of labor. 
Congratulation to all participants and Grace International Team.       

Class Four on their stall

Class five with Popcorn, Pakauda and Chatpate.

Noodle with the cheapest Rate! Hurry up! 

We are cooking ourselves. We can do if we get chance to do something!

Instruction is needed. Gyanu madam involves in each and every activities of either teachers or students. Thanks a lot Gyanu Mam.

Time of Morning Prayer. May our food become more delicious than we assumed!

Trading. ...

All of the students are performing their duties effectively. What do you understand about Team Work? 

Different Hearth with different food items.

Buy your desired food items.

Serve first and be the winner on selling! Congratulation class four.

What do you need? Pani Puri, Chatpate or anything else? 

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बार्षिक परीक्षाको नतिजा प्रकािशत

ग्रेस इन्टरनेशनल स्कुल नेपालगंजले बार्षिक परीक्षा २०७६ काे परीक्षाफल प्रकाशित गरेकाे छ । २०७६ चैत्र २४ गते बार्षिक परीक्षाफल प्रकाशन गर्ने य...